Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 14637
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2012
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,300,000

"Note: Extension pending. FHI 360: Summary of Activities Planned forOctober 2012 to March 2013.

FHI 360 is an Umbrella Grants Management (UGM) entity that manages several large agreements on behalf of USAID, providing management capacity building and oversight. FHI360 has requested an extension to its cooperative agreement per USAID South Africas request, in order continue support for three key community prevention and SGBV partners -- Humana People to People, GRIP, and the KZN network against violence against women currently under PCI. In addition the extension will allow other partners to complete a 15-month period of performance from October 1, 2011- December 31, 2012, which includes 12 months of full implementation and 3 months of scale down and closeout activities. FHI 360 will then have an additional month to properly close-out its cooperative agreement before October 2013.During the other partners scale down and closeout activities from October 1 to December 31 2012, FHI360 will provide technical support tothose partners on programmatic reporting. FHI 360 will verify final project deliverables from partners. The UGM will assist partners to conduct post-project assessments and documentation of lessons learned including reviewing results from evaluations. FHI 360 will also guide partners with human resource activities such as staff consultation processes, issuing of final termination letters in compliance to the South Africa labor laws, and guidance on how they should conduct exit interviews. During the same period, FHI 360 will verify and sign off final disposition plans and inventory lists for all its partners. Th

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $400,000

FHI360 will use funds to provide technical support to OVC PEPFAR partners on programmatic reporting. Assistance will be provided in areas that include grants management, strategic information, monitoring and evaluation and capacity building. Support will also be provided for conducting post-project assessments and documenting lessons learned including reviewing results from evaluations. FHI 360 will all so be carrying out close-out activities. Guidance will be provided to partners on human resource activities such as staff consultation processes, issuing of final termination letters in compliance to the South Africa labor laws, and guidance on how they should conduct exit interviews.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $400,000

FHI360 will use funds to provide technical support to prevention partners on programmatic reporting. Assistance will be provided in areas that include grants management, strategic information, monitoring and evaluation and capacity building. Support will also be provided for conducting post-project assessments and documenting lessons learned including reviewing results from evaluations. FHI 360 will all so be carrying out close-out activities. Guidance will be provided to partners on human resource activities such as staff consultation processes, issuing of final termination letters in compliance to the South Africa labor laws, and guidance on how they should conduct exit interviews.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $500,000

FHI360 will use funds to provide technical support to the three community prevention partners that are being extended and to partners on programmatic reporting. Assistance will be provided in areas that include grants management, strategic information, monitoring and evaluation and capacity building. Support will also be provided for conducting post-project assessments and documenting lessons learned including reviewing results from evaluations. FHI 360 will all so be carrying out close-out activities. Guidance will be provided to partners on human resource activities such as staff consultation processes, issuing of final termination letters in compliance to the South Africa labor laws, and guidance on how they should conduct exit interviews.

Subpartners Total: $0
Anglican Church of Southern Africa: NA
Greater Rape Intervention Project: NA
Hands at Work in Africa: NA
Heartbeat: NA
Humana People to People: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $51,096
Human Resources for Health $51,096